AIPAGIA Sponsor Levels


  • 2020 Sponsorship pertains to a “one time” virtual event. Events in 2021 will revert to a live format, Silver Level will no longer be available, and Gold Level will revert to the live conference price of $5,000, and a $7,500 Platinum Level will also be available.
  • A maximum of 3 hours and 20 minutes of sponsor presentation time is available. Once this maximum time is filled no additional sponsorships will be available.
  • A maximum of five (5) Gold Sponsorships are open.
  • A maximum of ten (10) Silver Sponsorships will open on August 15th.
  • We reserve all sponsorship and date/time on a first come first served basis, and there is no guarantee that there will be Silver Level space available if the slots are filled with Gold Level sponsors.
  • Silver and Gold Levels require a 50% initial deposit ($750 & $1,500 respectively). Receipt of the non-refundable* deposit by AIPAGIA locks in the sponsorship position and date/time. No sponsorship or date/time is reserved or locked until a deposit is received. Full payment is due two weeks prior to the meeting.
*Except if conference is cancelled by AIPAGIA

  • Silver recognition within the body of the AIPAGIA Newsletter prior to the meeting.
  • Silver recognition with link to your company web site on the AIPAGIA web site for six months.
  • 20 minutes of meeting time devoted exclusively to your presentation.
  • Your presentation posted on AIPAGIA’s website for six months.
  • 5% discount on all future Sponsorships (2 year eligibility).
  • Name and contact information of attending AIPAGIA members.
  • One FREE newsletter announcement within six months following your presentation (e.g., new product, new CEO, new acquisitions, etc.

  • Gold recognition within the body of the AIPAGIA Newsletter prior to the meeting.
  • Gold recognition with link to your company web site on the AIPAGIA web site for one year.
  • 40 minutes of meeting time devoted exclusively for your presentation.
  • Your presentation posted on AIPAGIA website for one year.
  • Your presentation sent to any non-attending members.
  • Name and contact information of all members (attending and non-attending) plus contact information for all invited non-members.
  • 10% discount on all future Sponsorships (3 year eligibility).
  • One FREE newsletter announcement within one year of your presentation (e.g., new product, new CEO, acquisitions, etc.).