Membership Info

The purpose of AIPAGIA is to establish and maintain a forum to promote the open and free exchange of ideas among a select membership composed of association group insurance administrators and marketers, in an atmosphere of fraternalism and social camaraderie.

Member's Code of Ethics

I believe it to be my responsibility:

  • To hold my business and the selling and administration of Association Group insurance as a profession and a public trust, and to do all in my power to maintain its prestige.
  • To safeguard, above all, the needs of my clients, their families and the associations of which they are apart.
  • To respect my clients’ confidence in me, and do nothing that would betray that trust or confidence.
  • To give all service possible when service is needed, and to suggest areas in which new needs may be anticipated and serviced.
  • To present accurately, honestly and completely every fact essential to my clients’ decisions.
  • To perfect my skill, and add to my knowledge by continuous thought and study
  • To treat prospects, my clients and my underwriting company fairly by submitting all information pertinent to the underwriting of the policy.
  • To conduct myself in such a manner that others emulating my example may help preserve the standards of our profession.
  • To respect the prerogatives of others and cooperate with all the services that are related to meeting the needs of our clients.

Membership Information

For a flyer with membership information, please click here   .